Andriy, Ukraine
"This project gives people, wounded soldiers, hope that this is not the end. This is a great hope for people who have lost a limb."
Andriy' Story
Andriy's life was profoundly changed by the invasion of Ukraine.
When the war struck Ukraine, everyone, including Andriy, was called to defend their homeland. His peaceful life with his wife and two young sons was shattered.
He has never picked up a weapon before. And tragically, during his courageous service, Andriy lost his arm in a devastating mine explosion.

With many prosthetic manufacturing facilities destroyed by bombings, thousands of people were left without access to the critical care they required. Andriy had been patiently waiting on a list for six months hoping for a traditional prosthetic device.
Donors to the Victoria Hand Project made a difference in his life. In the life of his family. Andriy was among the first Ukrainian soldiers to receive a cutting-edge above-elbow Victoria Hand prosthetic arm.
For Andriy, this prosthetic means more than just functional recovery. It gives him the ability to hold both of his sons' hands again - a simple gesture that holds immeasurable value.
Your support can bring back the simple joys of life for those who have sacrificed so much in the name of peace and freedom. Please consider helping more Ukrainian soldiers like Andriy today, by donating to Hands for Ukraine.

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